Opinion articles that represent the views of the Forward’s editors.
Opinion articles that represent the views of the Forward’s editors.
Opinion articles that represent the views of the Forward’s editors.
Opinion articles that represent the views of the Forward’s editors.
Let’s get the formalities out of the way. We wish the happy couple siman tov u’mazel tov. A good sign and good fortune. Those sentiments translate in any religion, true? After that, the wedding of Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky gets a little complicated. Even though the bride is not Jewish and appears to have…
To even skim through some of the 92,000 reports contained in the six-year archive of classified military documents made public by WikiLeaks is an exercise in extreme frustration. The Sisyphean struggle to combat the Taliban in Afghanistan is made clear page after page. The toll of war on the civilian population is not only horrifying,…
Given the hysteria and defiance that characterized much of the American Jewish response to the provocative “conversion bill” now stalled somewhere in the Knesset, what we’re about to say may sound counter-intuitive. But bear with us. For it is possible that the high-stakes drama caused by an Israeli lawmaker’s ham-handed attempt to liberalize the conversion…
The “stained glass ceiling” is such a common condition that it has its own Wikipedia page. It refers to the barriers placed before women who strive to become leaders in their churches — barriers that are both overt (no Catholic women need apply) and more subtle. The metaphor doesn’t quite fit the Jewish world, but…
There are many reasons why the United States Senate needs urgently to debate and vote on a climate and energy bill before the fall election campaign begins in earnest. Persistent dependency on carbon-based fuels is driving the planet toward disaster. This nation’s inability to focus on developing alternative energy sources is driving us toward ever-more…
The fast of Tisha B’Av, which falls on July 20 this year, is one of those odd calendar events that has no name of its own. The Hebrew words simply mean the ninth day of the month of Av. It marks the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the legions of imperial Rome…
All the right words were spoken. Praise was effusive. The handshake made a perfect photo op. The wives had tea. Now that the July 6 summit between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been duly recorded, the true test of its worth will begin. It is clear that, for both political and pragmatic…
A story is told of a man working in the city of London who routinely sent a letter to his mum in Kent to tell her what time he’d be home for supper each evening. The Royal Mail in Great Britain was that frequent, and that reliable. Up until 1950, twice-a-day delivery was available in…
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