Follow the Forward’s latest news stories and posts about Los Angeles California
Follow the Forward’s latest news stories and posts about Los Angeles California
Follow the Forward’s latest news stories and posts about Los Angeles California
Follow the Forward’s latest news stories and posts about Los Angeles California
In less than a year since opening, Kahal Ahavas Yisroel has had its windows broken twice
A lesson in media literacy for the age of WhatsApp and Instagram
Leaders must take action now to prevent the next Pico-Robertson melee
President Biden said he was 'appalled' by the scenes outside Adas Torah
‘We hear you deeply and pledge to do better,’ said a letter from American Jewish University
An open letter from Jewish Hollywood workers accused the museum of trafficking in antisemitism in its new exhibit on the industry’s Jewish founders
YULA did not identify the faculty member, but said it was a female working at the boys campus
Jaime Tran will serve 35 to 40 years for back-to-back attacks in Pico-Robertson
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