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Republication Guidelines

Following the model of nonprofit newsrooms including the Texas Tribune, The City and The 19th, the Forward is proud to make our journalism available for free republication by any newsroom or organization, provided they abide by certain conditions outlined below. We do this because we believe independent journalism is crucial to a healthy democracy, and because we want our work to reach audiences wherever they are. Especially in this era of fewer reliable news sources and working reporters, we want to support local publications however we can.  

Republication is permissible only for original Forward content; items on our website that originated with our partners at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Haaretz or other publications are not included (these are clearly attributed on our site). You may use as many original Forward stories as you like, online and in print, so long as you properly attribute them and preserve our pixels and canonical links in Google search (details on this below). To avoid copyright violations, you will generally have to supply your own images to illustrate articles.

We’d love to know what you’re using: Drop a note to [email protected] with the subject line “republish,” If you’d like the Forward to amplify any of your journalism in our morning briefing or on, flag it in any email to Benyamin Cohen, our News Director, [email protected].

You will find our “republish” button (</>) at the bottom of the share tools on the left side of each article page on our website. Here is a full guide to republication.

Our Terms

  • Republished stories must credit the Forward. This includes in the byline (e.g., “Jodi Rudoren, the Forward”) and an italicized line, preferably at the top of the story, that reads: “This story was originally published in the Forward (with a link to the version of the article). Click here to get the Forward’s free email newsletters delivered to your inbox.” For republication in print, the italicized line should say, “This story originally appeared in the Forward ( To get the Forward’s free email newsletters delivered to your inbox, go to”
  • Republished stories must retain our pixel tag. Our republish tool (this is the (</>) button at the bottom of the list of share tools on the left side of each article page) automatically generates a pixel tag that allows us to track views to our stories on other domains. You can insert this tag into the HTML of the article or into the text of your CMS.
  • You must preserve the Forward’s canonical URL, and include a noindex tag. This is to ensure that the original Forward story retains primacy on Google Search. For those that regularly use content from JTA or other syndication services, the process is similar. You can apply canonical tags if you are using a CMS such as WordPress or Magento. You can also go straight into the code, and replace the URL in the <head> section of the page to this: “<link rel=”canonical” href=”” /> ”.  To add the noindex tag use <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”> in the <head> section. Questions?  try this guide or email [email protected]
  • You may not substantively edit our stories. Changes to adhere to your style (using headline case instead of sentence case in display type, for example, or spelling out percent), updates to time and location references, or adding explanations of terms unfamiliar to your audience are permitted. You may also trim stories for space, particularly in print. Please retain all original hyperlinks, including links to Forward newsletters, events, etc.
  • Photos/images are not automatically available for publication.  If you use the republish tool on the article page, you’ll find the HTML transfers only the text, in order to avoid third-party copyright violations. Many Forward articles use Getty/iStock images; if you have your own subscription to this or other photo services, you may use any images covered in your agreement. Photos, charts, illustrations and collages made by Forward employees can be picked up, but you will have to do so manually, not via the republish button. Email [email protected] or [email protected] with questions about specific images. 
  • In those cases where republishing our images is permitted, you may not edit or manipulate them. If you add images to the story, you are responsible for obtaining permission and giving proper attribution. The Forward expressly disclaims any liability arising from unauthorized use of third-party content. 
  • Do not sell or syndicate our content. This includes offering them to aggregators like Apple News, Flipboard, etc.  
  • Do not scrape our website or use our stories to populate websites designed to improve search rankings or gain revenue from network-based advertisements. Your website must also include prominent links to your about page and contact information.
  • For print, all of the above applies, except inclusion of hyperlinks. The tagline at the top should say, “This story originally appeared in the Forward. To get the Forward’s free email newsletters delivered to your inbox, go to” If your audience is unfamiliar with the Forward, we suggest adding, “America’s leading Jewish news outlet” at the end of the first sentence.

When promoting our stories on social media, please tag the Forward (Twitter: @jdforward, Instagram: @jdforward, Facebook: @jewishdailyforward.)

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