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Independent Jewish journalism driven by truth, not ideology.

For the first time in our 126-year history, Forward journalism is now free and available to everyone everywhere. We are taking this step because during this chaotic moment of war, disinformation and rising antisemitism, we believe that open access to our independent Jewish journalism is essential.

Now more than ever, American Jews need news they can trust with reporting driven by truth, not ideology. It’s your support that keeps rigorous journalism, inspiring storytelling and Jewish cultural celebration accessible to all.

As a nonprofit, independent media organization, the Forward is the leading Jewish voice in American journalism and upholds the responsibility, as it has through more than a century, to report the news with courage, accountability, integrity and Yiddishkeit. 

Without you, the Forward‘s stories don’t just go unread — they go untold. Become a Forward member today by making a monthly contribution to ensure our vital reporting continues and thrives.

Membership is replacing subscriptions. Starting December 2023, all contributions, including subscriptions, are now tax-deductible. If you were a subscriber or donor as of December, you are now a member at the level corresponding to your contribution.

You should become a member if: 

  • You want to be part of a global community that cares about telling the Jewish story fully and fairly.
  • You want information that breaks through the noise — journalism that provides clarity amid the chaos.
  • You want a deeper understanding of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.

As a member, you’ll get…

  • Access to member-only communications and events that connect you with the Forward newsroom and journalists. 
  • Discounts to the Forward store
  • Access to special content, like holiday recipes

Our Member Benefits

The Forward provides independent Jewish journalism. We serve our audience, not any institution. Becoming a member is how you support that mission. 

Membership also comes with benefits at various levels that connect you to our journalism and community. You can become a member with any level of support. 


Donations between $1-$99 a year

  • The Forward Insider, a quarterly members-only update from Forward CEO Rachel Fishman Feddersen delivered directly to your email inbox.

Become a Bronze Member


Donations between $100-$499 a year

Everything at the Bronze level, plus:

  • Admission to members-only events to connect you with our newsroom and fellow Forward members.
  • Access to the Forward’s digital library of curated Jewish holiday recipe e-books.
  • A 20% discount to the Forward store.

Become a Silver Member


Donations between $500-$999 a year

Everything at the Silver level, plus:

  • Invitations to VIP receptions at events, with the opportunity to meet Forward editors and featured speakers.

Become a Gold Member


Donations between $1,000-$17,999 a year

Everything at the Gold level, plus:

  • Exclusive town hall event with Forward Editor-in-Chief Jodi Rudoren.

Become a Platinum Member

Sustaining Memberships

As a sustaining member, your monthly or annual membership will be automatically renewed and is eligible as a tax-deductible donation. A sustaining membership means your donation recurs automatically on a monthly or yearly basis via your credit card. 

Your sustaining membership ensures that the Forward has the necessary resources to continue to serve the Jewish community during this critical time. Automatic renewal will also help eliminate renewal notices or lapses in your membership.

If you make a one-time donation, you’ll need to renew your donation in order to keep the benefits of membership. If you believe in the value of what we do, please consider increasing your support to a sustaining, ongoing monthly or annual membership.

Become a Sustaining Member

Increase Your Impact

Join a Giving Circle

You can increase your impact by joining the Forward’s Giving Circles with a gift of $1,800 or more. Giving Circle members are passionate supporters who recognize the Forward as a pillar of the Jewish community.


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