Aviya Kushner is the Forward’s language columnist and the author of Wolf Lamb Bomb and The Grammar of God.
Aviya Kushner is the Forward’s language columnist and the author of Wolf Lamb Bomb and The Grammar of God.
The American Ladino League celebrates a language that was the mother tongue of generations of Sephardic Jews
The National Library of Israel has acquired the world's largest collection of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts
Just across from Puerto Rico's capitol building, two memorials force the viewer to confront a harrowing past
Given the gravity of current events, it's easy to ignore the nuances of language — but they're crucial
Chava Rosenfarb's stories are about memory and the impossibility of forgetting
The Jewish people can't let their narrative be kidnapped
Rabbis are updating prayers or writing new ones calling for the safe return of the hostages in Gaza
In the war of public opinion, words matter — now more than ever
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