Ethan Porter
By Ethan Porter
Culture Youth Group Prepares Outreach to Yeshiva Officials
Gay students often have a particularly difficult time in Orthodox schools. One young gay man to whom the Forward spoke — he asked to be identified simply as Chaim, since he is not out of the closet to most of his friends and family — recalled his experiences at a yeshiva in New York. The…
Culture Workshops Challenge the Deafening Silence Around Gay Issues
Three years ago, a study conducted by the LGBT Education Collaborative about how Jewish schools deal with sexual diversity — one of the first studies of its kind — found that many educational institutions maintain a “deafening” silence on the subject. That is beginning to change. Mosaic: The National Jewish Center for Sexual and Gender…
Culture Film Examines Court Jews Who Dominated Basketball
In Miami there are men whose memories burn with images of athletic glory long-relegated to private collections of black-and-white news reels — images of swooping majestic passes back and forth, baskets swishing with grace, running up and down a court of giants. These men possess the story of how Jewish Americans, most of them the…
Opinion How the Democrats Lost the Youth Vote
On Election Day, I and my fellow “Gen Yers” were expected to carry John Kerry to the White House, but by late evening it was obvious we had failed to vote in numbers large enough to deliver the election for the senator. “The youth vote is bunk,” conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg declared gleefully. The thing…
Culture Seders on Rosh Hashanah? A Calcutta Story
If you’ve never heard of a Rosh Hashanah Seder, you aren’t alone, but Rahel Musleah is trying to change that. The tradition, which Musleah summarizes in her new children’s book, “Apples and Pomegranates: A Rosh Hashanah Seder” (Kar-Ben), with illustrations by Judy Jarrett, comes from her native India, where it was long practiced by the…
Culture Program Offers a Gift to Struggling Kids
Almost 10 summers have passed since Meredith Englander last saw Josh, but she still remembers him clearly. At that time, Englander was working as a counselor at a Jewish camp and he was her camper. Josh, then only 8 years old, was asked to leave the camp because of behavioral issues. Ever since the indelible…
Culture Online Guide Catalogs Jewish Offerings on Campus
Hillel, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, has released an updated version of its Guide to Jewish Life on Campus, and for the first time has made it available exclusively online (www. “We’ve updated all of the information for every single campus with which we have contact, from the smallest university to…
Culture French Flock Flies to Y.U.
Yeshiva University will see its enrollment of undergraduate students from France double when the fall semester begins. According to the school’s admissions department, the number of French students will rise next month from 20 to perhaps more than 40. The increase comes after two school officials — Ethel Orlian, assistant dean of Y.U.’s Stern College…
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