Jill Suzanne Jacobs
By Jill Suzanne Jacobs
Culture And Justice for All: Curriculum Connects Learning With Action
‘Stephanie Rotsky, World Fixer” reads the sign in Hebrew and English at the entrance to Rotsky’s office at the Rashi School, a Reform Jewish day school outside Boston. It can’t be easy to live up to such great expectations, but Rotsky’s actual job title is perhaps no less daunting: social justice coordinator. Rotsky is the…
Culture As If There Weren’t Enough Jews in Hollywood Already…
This summer, Hollywood film figures David Sacks, David N. Weiss and Jason Venokur will be offering a three-week fellowship for young Jews interested in filmmaking. During the course of the August program, students will eat, sleep and dream Jewish life, hobnob with luminaries of Los Angeles’s film industry, and learn the nuts and bolts of…
News No Fear of Flying Solo Women Are Reconceiving Single Motherhood as a Choice Rather Than a Sentence
Curled up on a friend’s couch, mug of tea in hand, 36-year-old Nancy Vineberg dished about the joys and trials of parenthood one recent Sunday afternoon. Nearby, her 3-year-old, Noa, played exuberantly under the supervision of a friend while Vineberg enjoyed a rare uninterrupted chat. Like most parents of young children, Vineberg is used to…
News A Room of One’s Own
Nirit Artzi-Shapira flitted about the swanky Tel Aviv parent-child center Diada, clad in loose khakis and an orange top, her infant daughter snug against her chest in a blue sling. Children bring an easy smile to the face of Artzi-Shapira, a program director at Diada, who dedicates most days to their well-being. The state of…
News Web-Savvy Elders Cast Their Lines on the Net
‘I will mark Valentine’s Day religiously by thanking God for sending me Don. I really believe He did,” said Harriet Fernandez, 61 — my mother, the newlywed. “It couldn’t have just been a coincidence. It is true bashert,” she said. My mother and Don Fernandez, 64, met last February. In October they married. Falling in…
Culture Israelis Living in the U.S. Find a Special Place To Learn
Children lugging backpacks rivaling their own weight trudge slowly up the stairs on a typical Monday afternoon at Temple Sinai in Brookline, Mass. At first glance, it looks like another session of an ordinary afternoon Hebrew school is about to begin. But leaning one’s ear closer, one hears children kibitzing in a mixture of English…
News Jews, Muslims Forge Bonds on Christmas
While newspaper headlines describe increasing tensions between Muslims and Jews worldwide, a small group of neighbors in Cambridge, Mass. — Muslims and Jews who worship at institutions across the street from each other — tell another story. “I want to prove to myself and the world that Jews and Muslims can work together, be friends…
News Nice Jewitch Girls Leave Their Brooms in the Closet
It might be Halloween, but a Jewitch — yes, a Jewitch — has need for neither pointy hat nor broom. In fact, this year, Jewitches across America are likely to welcome the Sabbath before they consider cavorting with their covens. Take Carly Lesser. Lesser has been known to spend Pagan Pride Day marching in Washington,…
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Film & TV What Gal Gadot has said about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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Culture How two Jewish names — Kohen and Mira — are dividing red and blue states
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Opinion Mike Huckabee said there’s ‘no such thing as a Palestinian.’ It’s worth thinking about what that means
In Case You Missed It
Fast Forward The NCAA men’s Final Four has 3 Jewish coaches
Fast Forward Yarden Bibas says ‘I am here because of Trump’ and pleads with him to stop the Gaza war
Fast Forward Trump’s plan to enlist Elon Musk began at Lubavitcher Rebbe’s grave
Film & TV In this Jewish family, everybody needs therapy — especially the therapists themselves
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