A professor at the University of Houston, Robert Zaretsky is also a culture columnist at the Forward.
A professor at the University of Houston, Robert Zaretsky is also a culture columnist at the Forward.
As Hamas terrorists crossed the divide, they recalled the time Germany breached the Maginot Line
The catastrophic events have befallen an Israel that was divided, distracted and demoralized
As Hans Morgenthau and Hannah Arendt would remind us, choosing the lesser of two evils still means choosing evil
The case of Marshal Pétain may be history — but that history is far from over
Emmanuel Levinas' ideas about the mystical meaning of faces lend new depth to the mug shot seen around the world
While most Jewish immigrants flocked to urban centers, a few — like the Greenbergs — tried their luck as homesteaders
After yet another indictment, life in Trumpworld is uncannily imitating Mel Brooks' 'Producers'
On the strange but insistent parallels between Sabbatai Sevi of Smyrna and Donald Trump of Queens
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