Will Sarah Silverman Join Israel’s First Family?

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The U.S.-born entrepreneur Yosef Abramowitz officially announced today that he is throwing his name into the ring for Israel’s upcoming presidential race.
Politicians will select a new president, to take over from Shimon Peres this summer, and Abramowitz, the man who brought large-scale solar fields to Israel is to stand, competing with candidates with a background in party politics.
“President Shimon Peres has done great things. To continue this momentum, Israel must field a president who embodies innovation and the ‘Start-Up Nation,’ a president who will foster hope and a bright future for the younger generations who are desperately seeking social and economic stability,” said Abramowitz.
“I would lead government development to promote an investment-friendly climate. I would strive to improve Israel’s standing in the global arena and embrace the strengthening of pluralism among all Israelis.”
He is the husband of a Reform Rabbi, Susan Silverman, famous for being detained by the police at the Western Wall, and is expected to issue a strong call for religious pluralism in his platform.
Abramowitz may also bring a touch of humor to his campaign if his sister-in-law decides to help him out — she is none other than comedian Sarah Silverman, who famously marked his joining her family back in the nineties on Saturday Night Live. “So now my sister is Susan Silverman-Abramowitz. But they are thinking about shortening it to just ‘Jews,’” she said.