Holocaust Survivor Demands $1M For Being ‘Tricked’ By Renters

Under Water: Sandy left communities like the Rockaways in deep despair. Image by Getty Images
When the Nazis invaded France, Yvette Hyman and her family went into hiding, entrusting their home to some neighbors with the understanding that they’d give it back once the family returned. But after the war ended, the neighbors refused to return the home, and the family was forced to find a new place to live.
Now, a new lawsuit alleges, Hyman is reliving a version of that ordeal — in New York City.
Hyman says that in March 2014 she rented her Rockaway Beach vacation home at the below-market price of $2,000 to Sarah and Howard Kindler, who told her that they needed a place to stay while they made repairs on their home after Superstorm Sandy. However, when Hyman asked them to move out in August of the following year so that she could sell the home, they refused — and stopped paying rent.
Hyman says it was because their home wasn’t actually damaged during Sandy, and that the true reason was they wanted to live somewhere else while they made long-term renovations on their home.
The Kindlers were finally evicted from the home this past April. Now, Hyman is seeking more than $1 million in damages.
Contact Jesse Bernstein at bernstein@forward.com or on Twitter, @__jbernstein