Jewelry Store Receives ‘Make America Great Again’ Anti-Semitic Hate Mail

Image by KABC
A Jewish-owned jewelry store in Los Angeles received anti-Semitic hate mail matching the messages sent to Jewish businesses in New York.
The Los Angeles Diamond Factory received a letter with a large swastika and the phrases “Make America great again,” “Christian identity is back,” and various slurs against African-Americans and gay people.
“This is just hatred. Just pure hatred and it just curdles my blood,” business owner Mervyn Hahn told local TV station KABC.
The mail was addressed to the store rather than Hahn personally, but it still affected Hahn, whose grandparents died in the Holocaust.
The Anti-Defamation League claimed last week that similar mailings went to at least four New York businesses.
Contact Aiden Pink at [email protected] or on Twitter, @aidenpink