Salary Survey 2017: Ann Toback Of The Workmen’s Circle/ Arbeter Ring
Workmen’s Circle/ Arbeter Ring
Location: New York, NY
Category: Advocacy or Public Service
Ann Toback
Executive Director
The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring seeks to create Jewish learning communities committed to social justice and Jewish cultural heritage. Founded in 1900, the Workmen’s Circle organized low-paid Eastern European immigrants around secular Yiddish culture and ideals of social and economic justice. Today, the Workmen’s Circle operates schools and Jewish learning centers across America, in addition to running a summer camp and retreat center. The Workmen’s Circle’s institutions expose students and their families to Yiddish and Yiddish culture, and provide educational programming about social justice.
Organization Website | Guidestar Page
Ann Toback joined the Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring as executive director in 2009. She previously served as a labor leader of the Writers Guild of America, East, which she led in a successful 2008 strike in New York City. Toback’s publishing background includes editorial positions at Oxford University Press and Scribner’s. A graduate of Boston University Law School, Toback also worked as an associate at Rosenberg and Shapiro.
Institution Revenue: $2,705,289
Institution Total Expenses: $2,982,321
Employees: 27
Salary: $210,109
Institution Revenue: $2,327,067
Institution Total Expenses: $2,845,969
Employees: 21
Salary: $201,062
Underpaid by: 20%
For information on previous years, see here.
For information on other Jewish nonprofits, see here.
For information on other Jewish advocacy or public service leaders, see here.
1 Interim head of organization
2 Data from 2012
3 Data from 2011
4 Data from 2010
5 Data from 2009
6 Data from 2008
7 Data from 2007
8 Includes payment from SWC Museum Corp.
9 Predecessor’s salary
10 Partial year
11 Not a 501(c)3
12 Annualized
13 Position currently vacant
14 As per Form 990, JNF declined to comment
15 Base salary
16 Data from president-elect period
17 2010 Employees
18 Legally exempt from public disclosure of salary
19 Highest paid professional, not CEO
20 Paid from two related organizations
21 Data from 2013
22 Data from 2014
23 Data from 2015
24 Includes a one-time honorarium of $55,000
25 Data from 2017
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