With MLB embroiled in Pride Night controversy, a pair of Jewish players speak up
After the Dodgers announced they would honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, other MLB players denounced the team
Its Jewish founder and namesake was the inspiration for an ostentatious Edith Wharton character
After the Dodgers announced they would honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, other MLB players denounced the team
Alon Leichman’s parents, who moved from the US to Israel before he was born, helped found the sport in the Jewish state
A big game might get in the way of a big party
To Michael Levin and Spike Eskin, who gab about the Sixers twice a week, ‘there’s definitely a wandering in the desert element to it all’
The Forward’s sporting correspondents debate last night’s NBA donnybrook
Veteran sportswriter Jerry Izenberg's book about his Lithuania-born father and growing up Jewish in Newark will publish on May 1
At Yankee Stadium, MLB's first designated hitter brought back a desperately needed enthusiasm
In the major leagues, Ron Blomberg embraced his Jewishness, and earned a place in baseball history
It was not lost on any that protests were roiling the country they were representing at the World Baseball Classic
Steinmetz faced six all-stars in Israel's World Baseball Classic game. He struck out three of them.
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