Look For The #SilverLining

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Most of us in journalism didn’t go into the profession only to write stories about people behaving badly, or only to rail against injustice, or only to point out all of society’s flaws. But too often the magnetic pull of the negative becomes the default definition of “news” and journalism fails to make enough room to celebrate and inspire the good that is happening all around us, even if we don’t quite notice.
That is why the Forward is launching #SilverLinings.
It’s a collection of feel good stories and a new, weekly newsletter that, we hope, will help restore your faith in humanity, featuring stories of people behaving well, pursuing justice and meaning, ameliorating society’s flaws, or just simply doing a random act of kindness that makes a difference in someone’s life. These are stories that already appear on our website, but wedged between the latest outrage from the Trump administration, or the fallout from war or terror, or the silly shenanigans from Jewish celebrities, you may have missed their glow.
We want to help you find it again, to offset the natural (Jewish) tendency to expect the worst. Expect the better, instead. Look for — you guessed it — the silver lining.
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