Donald Trump is a Wild Man and a Populist. That is Exactly What America Needs.

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By every right, I should be a Democrat. And until a few months ago, I was. But I heard the trumpet call of change, and I decided to change too.
Let me be clear: I am to the left of President Obama on healthcare. I believe Bernie represents the best instincts of public service, though I find some of his views and certainly some of his supporters an anathema. I have spent most of my professional career in not for profit work around the country.
I am Jewish, and this election will be no different than past elections. A very high percentage of my fellow Jews with whom I have identified, lived and worked among for my entire life overwhelmingly supporting the Democratic candidate.
Yet, I will continue what has become a 21st century electoral activity for me: proudly voting for the Republican at the top of the ticket during presidential years. At the same time, you should know, I continue my equally stubborn sense of independence down ballot, and I have voted for at least one local Green Party candidate for Congress, though again I found certain of his views utterly distasteful. Ethics matter to me, especially when you have a very long track record.
Donald Trump is a wild man and a populist. I believe both judgments are exactly what America needs. If anything, I hope he can fob off the corporate Republicans more worried about planning their taxes. I think he can; I know Hillary can’t shake off the yoke of Wall Street.
Trump has an insight not usually associated with Republicanism. His message is one of caring and concern for very average ordinary people whose reality is so less certain than the endless TV “reality” shows or apparently his own comforts.
He will succeed because that wild side of his ego will drive him to produce to achieve to receive the acclaim he wants. Mrs Clinton is just too busy lining up the next country willing to donate to her favorite foundation which just happens to be her and her husband’s favorite cause. Having spent many a year sizing up the big chair in the Oval Office, Mrs Clinton seems to me not to know what to do after she spins around in it a few times.
Donald Trump wants to wheel and deal for America, and he has already stated clearly enough that winning is the goal. I believe that Trump will not forget that promise as his unmistakeable face looks into the mirror. What he sees back says, “Donald have you won for America today?”
What does Clinton’s mirror reflect? “Which group do I pit against each other today? How can I replicate Obama’s foreign policy which managed to simultaneously anger friends and appease enemies? How many people lacking lawful status in America can I crowd into opportunities for jobs, healthcare, voting rights among other impact areas? And can Bill replace me in receiving those $225,000 an hour speeches to people who can well afford to pay except when it comes to the damage they did to the middle and working class?”
I have followed and continue to love American politics virtually my whole life. I love American democracy. And no, I do not expect it or its practitioners to be perfect. But sometimes a candidate comes along and says, You do realize the emperor is wearing no clothes.
Both Bernie and Trump have had the temerity to speak truth to power. Because I believe the country in all its aspects is more important than any single issue or cause, I will vote for the candidate who comes closest to reflecting the great diversity values and traditions of our nation.
I will vote, proudly, for Donald J. Trump a man with a mission looking for people to trust him. I will give him my trust. Clinton has been cashing the check of trust and every other kind of check for way too long.