How Gene Hackman made my dad a better rabbi
The actor, who died at 95, played characters that taught life lessons and sought second chances
The actor, who died at 95, played characters that taught life lessons and sought second chances
A scroll from Iran bears witness to enduring Jewish community
For last week's portion, the blog matches the story of Jacob's daughter Dina with a poem about her by the poet Itsik Manger.
Schiff, whose father died earlier this year, said he was saddened his dad couldn’t witness the Senate ceremony
Originally a Hebrew rabbinic tale, its Yiddish translation appeared in various textbooks of the Yiddish afternoon schools
Rabbi Dov Linzer's and Abigail Pogrebin's new book is a lesson on embracing diversity of thought, on both Torah and life
Louisiana passed a law this week requiring a unique translation of the Ten Commandments displayed in every public school classroom
Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards’ memorable command has a long history
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