Did Marvel’s ‘Captain America: Brave New World’ really make an Israeli superhero Russian?
Uproar over changes to Shira Haas' character Sabra have prompted online outrage — but are they true?
Uproar over changes to Shira Haas' character Sabra have prompted online outrage — but are they true?
A Seattle art museum will reopen an exhibit after staffers objected to “Zionist perspectives” on display.
The JewCE Jewish comic convention saw over 400 enthusiasts flock to the Center for Jewish History
Before the war broke out, 'Brothers Keeper' was intended to be a comic book honoring a filmmaker's grandfather
Jewce at the Center for Jewish History explores Jewish origins and themes in the comic book industry
The film overplays the Marvel editor’s contributions — and downplays his Jewishness
Kevin Cole, who becomes an ally of the original Black Panther, was 'a character that our readers could identify with and relate to,' said a Marvel editor
Leah has the ability to manipulate anything water-based and travel through streams
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