How MAD magazine, family ghosts and censorship made Art Spiegelman an anti-fascist artist
A new documentary about the ‘Maus’ author reveals his influences, and what keeps him up at night
A new documentary about the ‘Maus’ author reveals his influences, and what keeps him up at night
Pro-Palestinians picketed the film for its inclusion of Shira Haas’ character. It wasn’t worth the protest
The Pulitzer winner was working on a new book, and just moved upstate
Charles Schulz’s iconic comic strip was rarely explicit about its characters’ religious affiliations — but we have theories
Uproar over changes to Shira Haas' character Sabra have prompted online outrage — but are they true?
A Seattle art museum will reopen an exhibit after staffers objected to “Zionist perspectives” on display.
The JewCE Jewish comic convention saw over 400 enthusiasts flock to the Center for Jewish History
Before the war broke out, 'Brothers Keeper' was intended to be a comic book honoring a filmmaker's grandfather
אין די 1960ער האָט די בינע פֿונעם „פֿאָלקסהויז“ צוגעצױגן שטערנס פֿון ייִדישן טעאַטער ווי אידאַ קאַמינסקאַ, יעקבֿ ראָטבוים און יוסף בולאָף.
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