Trump promised to protect Jews and religious liberty. His refugee ban is keeping out 700 persecuted Iranian Jews.
Iranian Jewish Americans are calling on Trump to make an exception for their friends and family
Iranian Jewish Americans are calling on Trump to make an exception for their friends and family
His well-timed exodus from Iran, along with that of his entire group on the flight, was handled by HIAS, formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
Two L.A. Jews blended Hanukkah customs with those belonging to Yalda — to tremendous results
Rosh Hashanah marks one year since the death of Mahsa Jina Amini at the hands of Iran's morality police for 'improperly' wearing her hijab
With 'Monajat,' Dardashti re-imagines Selichot from the Persian tradition
Fresh herbs are essential to a scrumptious frittata-like Persian specialty
In order to be accepted in Israel, I had to deny my Iranian identity
He also allegedly told police that he chose to shoot people because of their ‘headgear,’ a reference to yarmulkes
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