News Quiz: Seth Meyers and Franz Kafka in One Quiz
Seth Meyers, Alicia Silverstone and Franz Kafka all in one bizarre, confounding quiz? It’s like something out of…oh, never mind.
Seth Meyers, Alicia Silverstone and Franz Kafka all in one bizarre, confounding quiz? It’s like something out of…oh, never mind.
From Jewish porn stars to bacon-flavored Kosher treats to Martin Scorsese’s new, “Jewish” movie, the world is becoming a very eclectic place. Or at least this quiz is.
Free kidneys, chocolate falafel and Golda Meir? That was either a weird week we just had, or Manischewitz is making-80 proof Concord Grape. Or both. Getty Images
Bette Midler and Bernie Madoff share more than just the same initials and religion. Now they’re sharing space in this week’s Jewish News Quiz, rubbing elbows with Ruth Westheimer. At least I hope it’s elbows.
King David, RoboCop and Bar Rafaeli walk into a quiz…. And here it is!
Gathered here today are hipsters, con men, Orthodox Jews and at least one Yenta. What could possibly go right?
This week’s Jewish News Quiz heads to Sochi, high fives skater Jason Brown, then comes back home to Hasidim, hummus and Chuck Schumer. Somehow, there’s always Schumer.
From Zach Braff to Downton Abbey to rye bread and herring. It’s not as big a leap as you might think!
אַלען זינגער איז אַ קינדער־דאָקטער וואָס האָט דורכגעפֿירט בריתן, מערסטנס פֿאַר רעפֿאָרם־ און קאָנסערוואַטיווע משפּחות
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