Welcome to the Forward’s coverage of the Yiddish language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Europe and still spoken by many Hasidic Jews today.
For more stories on Yiddishkeit, see Forverts in English, and for stories written in…
Welcome to the Forward’s coverage of the Yiddish language historically spoken by Ashkenazi Jews in Europe and still spoken by many Hasidic Jews today.
For more stories on Yiddishkeit, see Forverts in English, and for stories written in…
The work of Kristang language activists has something in common with that of the Yiddishists
Yiddish dialogue coach Miriam Isaacs found the actors, especially the children, in the new play quick and eager learners.
The small but important differences in how we spell Yiddish words today
Members included the married comic duo Jerry Stiller, who was Jewish, and Anne Meara, who was of Irish descent.
The Atlantic's new issue features a deep dive into American antisemitism. Its cover tells a slightly different story
David Stromberg, the Yiddishist behind a new collection of the Nobel Prize winner's essays for the Forward, talks about the challenges of bringing his work to a modern audience
‘Language City’ author Ross Perlin speaks about Yiddish and other endangered languages
He went looking for Yiddish books as a grad student. He ended up saving a whole world of literature, language and culture
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