RCA Confirms Expulsion of Rabbi Marc Schneier

Rabbi Marc Schneier Image by Hamptons Synagogue
The Rabbinic Council of America has confirmed a Forward report that Rabbi Marc Schneier has been expelled from the Orthodox group.
“(The RCA executive committee) reviewed the facts presented to it regarding the conduct of Rabbi Marc Schneier and voted to expel him from his membership,” the Orthodox group said in a statement.
The statement said Schneier, the leader of the Hamptons Synagogue on Long Island’s tony East End, had been informed of the decision. Schneier told the Forward last week that he had not been informed of any expulsion decision.
The terse four-line statement ends the RCA’s official silence about the matter after a source last week told the Forward about Schneier’s explulsion.
The statement does not elaborate on the “conduct” that lead to the move. But Schneier has been accused of carrying on an extramarital relationship with a congregant.
The RCA did not say how or whether the move would affect Schneier’s position at his synagogue.
The shul’s board president insisted to the Forward last week that he was not aware of any decision to expel Schneier from the RCA.
“Rabbi Schneier’s status as rabbi of his synagogue is determined by the synagogue’s leadership,” the RCA statement said. “Any questions about his status should be directed to them.