Kosher ‘Personal Lubricant’ Nixed by Rabbi Group

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Sorry kosher sex fans, but the California rabbinical group that was set to certify personal lubricants as kosher has yanked its hechsher.

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We know this is hard to swallow, especially for those who may have come to rely on Wet’s line of sexual wellness products.
Here’s the certification group’s deliciously worded statement:
As reported in the media, the Rabbinical Council of California’s Kashrut Division was in the final stages of certifying products produced by Trigg Laboratories. Certification of non-edible items is common in the kosher industry, but the intended uses of these items as now revealed, was misunderstood. The RCC has rescinded its certification with immediate effect, and deeply regrets the widespread consternation that this error caused.
Probably wisely, the RCC did not specify which “intended uses” of personal lubricant they object to, or what their earlier understanding was about the nature of this particular product.
But the Forward’s Simi Lichtman broke it all down in her provocative blog post earlier in the week.
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