Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer is a kashrut professional, whose articles about Torah topics and issues in contemporary Orthodoxy are featured in many publications, including Israel National News, Cross-Currents, Times of Israel and Yated Neeman.
Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer is a kashrut professional, whose articles about Torah topics and issues in contemporary Orthodoxy are featured in many publications, including Israel National News, Cross-Currents, Times of Israel and Yated Neeman.
Dear Editor, As an Orthodox rabbi and someone who takes the role of women in prayer extremely seriously, I was dismayed by Rabbi Dov Linzer’s recent article To my fellow Orthodox Jews: Don’t open shuls until you can open them to women, in which Rabbi Linzer contends that Orthodox shuls in New York State should…
In As An Orthodox Rabbi, The SCOTUS Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision Gives Me Pause, Rabbi Gabriel Greenberg objects to the Orthodox Union’s favorable stance toward the Supreme Court’s recent decision, in which the Court ruled that a bakery was not in violation of law for refusing to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple. Greenberg,…
Passover preparation has always been a heavy-duty task. For thousands of years, Jews throughout the world, in every Sephardic and Ashkenazic community, invested serious amounts of time and effort cleaning their homes, kashering their kitchens and sealing away utensils used for chametz (leavened grain products). The Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) devotes approximately 40…
אין די 1960ער האָט די בינע פֿונעם „פֿאָלקסהויז“ צוגעצױגן שטערנס פֿון ייִדישן טעאַטער ווי אידאַ קאַמינסקאַ, יעקבֿ ראָטבוים און יוסף בולאָף.
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