Born and raised in California, journalist, author, playwright, artist and photographer Bill Strubbe converted (twice!) to Judaism, made aliyah three years ago and works on the Arts & Cultural Committee at Kibbutz Ein Hahsofet.
Born and raised in California, journalist, author, playwright, artist and photographer Bill Strubbe converted (twice!) to Judaism, made aliyah three years ago and works on the Arts & Cultural Committee at Kibbutz Ein Hahsofet.
Just up the hill from the kibbutz swimming pool is Nadav Shadmi’s studio in an old chicken run, the rusted feed doors still visible in the wall. It’s most previous incarnation was as a storage space for the arts and cultural committee, and it took Nadav Shadmi months to clean it out, paint, and install…
To many tourists, Tel Aviv is merely an obligatory pit stop with an airport and a sunny beach, so they quickly move on to venerable Jerusalem for a dose of sightseeing and history. Having sprung up on the sand dunes mere decades ago, little in the newborn metropolis was considered worth preserving. But now that…
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