Carly Pildis is an organizing and advocacy professional living in Washington, D.C.
Carly Pildis is an organizing and advocacy professional living in Washington, D.C.
I received the dread email from my favorite kosher butchers, and there is a good chance you have too. A sincere apology for increasing prices, an explanation of supply chain issues and inflation. I know kosher butchers are doing their best in a difficult situation. I took a quick glance at their website: How much…
If you’re anything like me, you spent yesterday frantically throwing away pumpkins and hanging up menorah and dreidel banners. With Hanukkah beginning on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel days of the year, there was scarcely time to breathe between holidays, let alone wait for dough to rise. Jewish cooks who have…
On a quest for the perfect dairy-free kosher pumpkin pie
What does the Jewish mother make for dinner? Reservations. And what did the server ask her table? Nothing; they never let a man finish a sentence. This was the image of the Jewish American woman when men were the only ones telling the jokes. She was materialistic, tacky and a charmless striver; she was domineering…
The house was clean, the chicken and kugel roasted, and a handsome apple cake waited on the counter. All that was left to do was make salad. The pretty salad bowl from our wedding registry, the one I barely use, was at the top of the tall pantry. My husband would be home in 10…
#tweetyourshabbat is a global movement founded by Carly Pildis, celebrating the struggle and joy of getting Shabbat on the table every week. This is a place for real dinners and real conversations about Jewish life. Join us at Forward in sharing what you’ll be eating and how you’re feeling this week at #TweetYourShabbat The Jewish…
#tweetyourshabbat is a global movement founded by Carly Pildis, celebrating the struggle and joy of getting Shabbat on the table every week. This is a place for real dinners and real conversations about Jewish life. Join us at Forward in sharing what you’ll be eating and how you’re feeling this week at #TweetYourShabbat I have…
Is the oven on or is my back door open? It is impossible to tell at this point. It’s the kind of hot that makes you want to lie on the cold floor in front of a fan covered in ice packs. It’s too hot to even swim. It’s definitely way too hot to turn…
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