Gale Boyd is a Mormon of Jewish descent. She has lived in five countries (including Israel) and traveled widely. She is always homesick for somewhere.
Gale Boyd is a Mormon of Jewish descent. She has lived in five countries (including Israel) and traveled widely. She is always homesick for somewhere.
A delegation of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jewish leaders from New York and California visited Salt Lake City in March 2018. Guided by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they toured the Church’s welfare facilities and the newly renovated Jordan River Utah Temple (Mormon temples are opened to the public briefly…
Passover is surely the most culturally appropriated religious holiday ever to exist. To the chagrin of most Jews, all sorts of groups have rewritten the Haggadah to suit their own niche beliefs and practices. Christians especially love the seder as they imagine the Last Supper. Passover fits nicely into the Easter season for Christians. Not…
On October 13, 2017, Mormons joined a Jewish congregation in a Mormon meetinghouse for a Friday night Shabbat service, the final time the Shir HaMa’alot congregation would use the Mormons’ building. The title of the Shabbat service sermon was “Giving Thanks to our Mormon Friends,” delivered by Rabbi Richard Steinberg. More than 200 Jews and…
Just in time for the fall High Holy Days, Mormon Church-owned BYU killed a very large parcel of lawn to make space for a true-to-life-size replica of the Mishkan, the tabernacle of the Exodus. Blessed with gorgeous and fortuitous autumn weather, tours of the tabernacle booked fast. Tickets were free, but meted out so that…
Are You a Kohen? You Could be a Mormon Bishop. If your last name is Kohn, Coen, Kahn, Kahan, Cohen, etc., you may have priestly, patrilineal descent from Aaron, the brother of Moses. While the temple still stood, your ancestors performed the daily and holiday duties associated with sacrificial offerings. Now, no longer attending to…
We were living in Dublin when the first emergency phone call came in. My father, then 80, was heading into surgery in Baltimore. They ended up removing a lung and reaming out important arteries full of cancer. In my mind’s eye I saw the rogue cells that would then pump through his body and lodge…
When I became a Mormon at age 16 in Los Angeles, I didn’t convert from Judaism. It was when I finally made a trip “back east” at age 21 and met my relatives that I fully realized I was Jewish. Although I had spent day and night glued to the radio during the Six Day…
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