Michael Szafranski is a resident of Surfside, Florida. He spent one year at the Federal Prison Camp in Miami and currently writes a blog at whitecollarguru where he writes about various issues facing white collar defendants.
Michael Szafranski is a resident of Surfside, Florida. He spent one year at the Federal Prison Camp in Miami and currently writes a blog at whitecollarguru where he writes about various issues facing white collar defendants.
On February 14, I was glued to the television as events unfolded in Parkland. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is fewer than 50 miles from where I live, and the events seemed all too close to home. I have three children who attend a Jewish day school in Miami and my wife works there as…
Though the Forward published many articles after the release of Sholom Rubashkin, some opinion writers have taken the position that the celebrations that followed Rubashkin’s release were at best inappropriate and at worst a desecration of God’s name. Most of us have thankfully not been through the criminal justice system. However, until one has been…
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