A professor at the University of Houston, Robert Zaretsky is also a culture columnist at the Forward.
A professor at the University of Houston, Robert Zaretsky is also a culture columnist at the Forward.
Emmanuel Macron gave the speech that Donald Trump never could
Clay Risen's 'Red Scare' recalls a societal plague that had been quieted but never fully conquered
Under the current administration, common sense — or sechel — is under attack
New York's mayor has more in common with Marshal Pétain than a telling word choice
For those struggling to make sense of a flurry of executive orders, Simone Weil and 'The Iliad' offer useful guidance
Many have called Trump 'mad' — Albert Camus knew better
For Vladimir Jankélévitch, some acts were beyond the realm of forgiveness
Walter Benjamin warned us about the meaning of Musk's salute seen round the world
אין די 1960ער האָט די בינע פֿונעם „פֿאָלקסהויז“ צוגעצױגן שטערנס פֿון ייִדישן טעאַטער ווי אידאַ קאַמינסקאַ, יעקבֿ ראָטבוים און יוסף בולאָף.
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