Jewish Congressman To Make Reality Show Debut Tonight

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) will be appearing on an episode of the reality television show “Born This Way,” airing tonight at 10 PM ET/9c on A&E Network.
“Born This Way” is a reality television show that showcases the lives of several young adults with Downs Syndrome and other disabilities. Sherman, a 10-term-Congressman with a history of disability activism, co-hosted a major event with the show’s executive producer, Jonathan Murray.
The event, “Ending Stigmas & Bigotry: Expanding Employment for People with Disabilities,” was put on by Sherman and RespectAbility, a nonprofit founded by three Jewish philanthropists that seeks to ensure access and respect for Jews with disabilities. The event aimed to bring awareness to the employment opportunities – and the higher rate of unemployment – for people with disabilities.
The full cast of “Born This Way” was in attendance and will be featured alongside Rep. Sherman on tonight’s episode.
Becky Scott is the editor of The Schmooze. Follow her on Twitter at @arr_scott