Trump Told Stormy Daniels ‘You Remind Me Of’ Ivanka — Right Before Sex

Image by CBS News
Stormy Daniels told ‘60 Minutes’ that Donald Trump told her that she “reminds him of his daughter” — right before they had sex.
The adult film star told Anderson Cooper that the billionaire future president meant it as a compliment when he said she was different from other women after they met at a 2006 golf weekend and she agreed to return to his hotel room.
“Wow …. you are special. You remind me of my daughter,” Trump told Daniels, she recalled said in the blockbuster TV interview. “He was like, ‘You’re smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you.’”
Daniels didn’t name Ivanka Trump but it appeared that President Trump was referring to the future White House aide during the chatty foreplay. His other daughter, Tiffany, was only 13 at the time.
Trump has previously made cringeworthy comments about Ivanka, who along with husband Jared Kushner works in the White House as a presidential adviser.
Daniels, the star of “Good Will Humping,” was paid $130,000 right before the 2016 election to stay silent about the tryst in a deal brokered by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.
She wants to return the cash, but Cohen says she owes $20 million in damages for breaking the deal.
Election law experts say Cohen’s payment amounts to an illegal campaign contribution.