Steve King Compares Backlash Over Racist Comments To Jesus’ Suffering

Rep. Steve King Image by Getty Image
After receiving congressional criticism for making white nationalist comments, Representative Steve King said he found common ground with Jesus Christ.
The Iowa Republican said the situation has given him a new understanding of Jesus’ suffering, The Washington Post reported.
At a town hall in Cherokee, Iowa, an elderly pastor told King that “Christianity is really being persecuted, and it’s starting right here in the United States.”
“I would just like to make a statement that with all the problems that we have, if we would just allow God to work, and keep on praying and keep on believing and keep on working together, we could overcome so many of these problems,” she said.
King, who had said he had “nothing to apologize for,” took this to heart. In January, he came under fire for asking, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” He was subsequently removed from his committees.
It was nothing new for the congressman — he has a long history of racist and white nationalist rhetoric. Apparently his faith is keeping him positive.
“And when I had to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives and look up at those 400-and-some accusers — you know, we’ve just passed through Easter and Christ’s Passion — and I have a better insight into what He went through for us, partly because of that experience,” he said to the crowd.
He then expressed gratitude for his mostly Christian constituents and explained how Christianity defines American culture.
His spokesman did not respond to the Post with an explanation or elaboration.
Alyssa Fisher is a writer at the Forward. Email her at [email protected], or follow her on Twitter at @alyssalfisher