London Rabbinical Court allowing some not kosher for Passover products due to coronavirus
Image by Lorin Duckman
(JTA) — Why will this Passover be different from all others?
This year, the London Beth Din, or religious court, has created a list of permissible products not made under special supervision for Passover due to difficulties caused by the coronavirus crisis.
The Kashrut Division of the court developed the list, titled “Product guidelines in extremis,” from an array of basic goods to help quarantined families and those who are struggling financially due to the virus, the UK Jewish News reported.
“We are acutely aware of the pressures at this unprecedented time,” the Kashrut Division director, Rabbi Jeremy Conway, said in a statement. “We already know why this Seder night will be different to all other nights and this Pesach will be one unlike any other.”
He added: “This list should be used when regular supervised products are not available, or for people who are older or in isolation and so are unable to go shopping themselves or have Pesach products delivered to their home.
All hand sanitizers have been approved for use on Passover, according to the Jewish Chronicle.
The post London rabbinical court allowing some products not kosher for Passover due to coronavirus appeared first on Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
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