Yiddish online concert to include African-American songs
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On May 15th at 7 pm EDT, the Boston Workers Circle chorus, “A Besere Velt”, will perform a special online concert entitled “Singing for a Better World” with guest performers Polina Shepherd, Lorin Sklamberg, Anthony Russell, Daniel Kahn and Judy Bressler.
“A Besere Velt” was founded in 1997 and is the largest Yiddish chorus in the world today, encompassing 90 members. The composer, Derek David, has served as conductor since 2018.
The musical repertoire of the chorus expresses the ideals of the Workers Circle: social justice, mentshlekhkayt (humanity), and activism. The songs of the concert will be in Yiddish and English and will cover topics like workers’ rights and racial equality. The concert will also include African-American songs about freedom. You can hear a short clip of the Chorus’s music here.
Concert tickets can be purchased here. The price is lower for members of the Workers Circle, and there’s a discount for young and low-income people.
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— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor