Watch: ‘100 days without seeing the sun’ — an anguished cry by a father of two hostages
Argentina-born Yitschak Horn explains how people can help bring his sons Yair and Eitan and the other hostages home
War has been raging in Israel now for more than 100 days.
136 Israeli citizens remain imprisoned in Gaza in horrible conditions. Their loved ones have been demonstrating in cities all over Israel, demanding that the hostages be brought home as soon as possible — no matter the price.
Marking the 100 days since the captives were taken hostage, I met with Yitschak Horn, an Argentinian-born Israeli, whose sons Yair and Eitan are both being held hostage in Gaza. In our talk, which was conducted in Yiddish, he describes how he discovered that his sons had been kidnapped and the unbearable situation for all families of the hostages, not knowing the fate of their loved ones.
He also addresses viewers abroad, letting them know how they can help the families cope.
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