‘Daily Show’ Picks Jon Stewart’s Top Jewish Bits

Jon Stewart Image by Opensource.org
On the eve of Jon Stewart’s return from his long film-making absence, “The Daily Show” compiles a few minutes’ worth of what they apparently consider his best Jewish routines. (Hat tip to Chemi Shalev for finding and tweeting this.)
For my money, though, they left out at least two of his most memorable Jewish bits, one of which is his absolute No. 1 in my book. I refer, of course, to his Passover vs. Easter “faith-off” on April 10, 2012, which was not just hilarious but a deeply thoughtful critique of the state of Jewish continuity.
I’d also bring in his conversation with Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol on November 4, 2004, two days after George W. Bush’s reelection.
Here’s their collection:
Here’s my key excerpt from the 2004 Bill Kristol interview:
Stewart: I always think about this wild word, “elite.” Because they always throw it around, you know, “the liberal elite.” And I kept thinking to myself, you know, the Christian right – what’s more elite than believing only you will go to heaven? Like, I always wondered why that – isn’t that elitist, or no?
Kristol: You should ask one of your Christian guests that. But you know, we Jews believe in the Chosen People. We have our own kind of elitism.
Stewart: I’m a Jew who believes in a bagel buffet.
As for the Passover bit, you’ll have to watch the clip itself. It’s right after the jump (as is the full interview with Kristol):
Passover vs. Easter, April 10, 2012:
Jon Stewart and Bill Kristol, November 4, 2004