In ‘Midas Man,’ a by-the-numbers tribute to the fifth Beatle
The Brian Epstein flick suffers from biopic malaise
The Brian Epstein flick suffers from biopic malaise
Newly restored with a modern score, “Breaking Home Ties” screens as part of the New York Jewish Film Festival, which opens Thursday.
Author Seth Rogovoy thinks Harrison is an 'underdog' who deserves more credit
McCartney has previously attended Yom Kippur services with his Jewish wife Nancy Shevell
The secret Jewish history of Paul McCartney
For decades, religious observance has been waning — you can tell by the songs we've been singing
The legendary Beatle once observed that show business was 'an extension of the Jewish religion'
'Live at the Bon Soir' was Streisand's Beatles in Hamburg moment
אין די 1960ער האָט די בינע פֿונעם „פֿאָלקסהויז“ צוגעצױגן שטערנס פֿון ייִדישן טעאַטער ווי אידאַ קאַמינסקאַ, יעקבֿ ראָטבוים און יוסף בולאָף.
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