Soup may be the perfect food. Try leaving some on a neighbor’s stoop.
Sauté an onion, season aggressively and you can't go wrong.
Sauté an onion, season aggressively and you can't go wrong.
Our authentic Jewish chicken soup is so rich in flavor, you hardly need to salt it
This recipe is from “Zabar’s: A Family Story, with Recipes” by Lori Zabar. Chicken soup is the perfect balm for homesickness as well as for physical ailments. While Louis, Ada, Rose, and Lilly were acclimating to their new country, chicken soup with matzo balls evoked memories of the childhood warmth and security that had been…
There’s nothing uniquely Jewish about chicken soup. There, I said it. Everywhere on earth where there are chickens — which is everywhere on earth — people soupify them. Some versions are every bit as spectacular as the one you’ve come to know. And yes, depending on what you are hungry for at the time, some…
You really just need one, dependable matzah ball soup recipe in your life, and this is it. Tried, true, trusty — and really, really good. Is the broth golden-hued and clear, but rich in chicken-y flavor? Check. Can you taste the fresh carrots, celery and onion? Check. Does spring, in the form of fresh bright…
We all have to do our part to end America’s food waste addiction, right? Some 40% of food grown and prepared in this country gets tossed. Putting aside our growing problem with hunger and food insecurity, that food waste means the water, land, energy and labor that went into producing it all does to waste…
The arrival of cold season is loudly heralded by advertisements for flu shots and the sounds of sniffles on buses and trains. Colds are inescapable and still, year after year, armed with folk medicine and fierceness, we resolve to cure the incurable. Thankfully, Jewish tradition, from Maimonides to the shtetl, offers us some guidance for…
Continuing in the tradition of pulling the curtain off the weird, delicious, and unexpected secret ingredients in Jewish foods — today we have chicken soup, that eternal Jewish comfort food. In fact, soup is one of the most forgiving recipes you can ever make in a kitchen. It absorbs the mistakes you make, it doesn’t…
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