How Superman, Captain America and a little-known Hollywood star fought the Nazis
Jewce at the Center for Jewish History explores Jewish origins and themes in the comic book industry
Jewce at the Center for Jewish History explores Jewish origins and themes in the comic book industry
The film overplays the Marvel editor’s contributions — and downplays his Jewishness
Kevin Cole, who becomes an ally of the original Black Panther, was 'a character that our readers could identify with and relate to,' said a Marvel editor
Leah has the ability to manipulate anything water-based and travel through streams
The late comic artist continued a grand Jewish tradition of questioning
Aline Kominsky-Crumb brought to comics raw self-lacerating accountability and subverted crude stereotypes about Jewish women
Shira Haas will star as MCU's Israeli answer to Captain America – people have opinions
"American Dreams" draws upon the rich history of the New York Jewish immigrant experience of the early 1900s
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