CNN’s Dana Bash is latest Jewish author targeted by pro-Palestinian activists
ADL and others say antisemitism motivated hecklers disrupting Bash’s book talk
ADL and others say antisemitism motivated hecklers disrupting Bash’s book talk
The Democratic presidential candidate’s first interview since cinching the nomination will be conducted by a Jewish journalist, Dana Bash, CNN’s chief political correspondent
Jewish journalists are moderating the first 2024 presidential debate. Here’s what to expect.
Bash, daughter of a Judaic studies scholar, succeeds ex-husband John King at the desk of ‘Inside Politics’
Antisemitism on the progressive left is insidious, and we ignore it to our detriment
‘I honestly didn’t realize how much hate was zeroing in on Jews,’ Bash said in an interview
Introduction By Rachel Fishman Feddersen, Forward CEO and publisher You’re about to meet five remarkable Jewish women whose achievements have helped shape journalism — and our world. With the Forward’s Fearless Women in Journalism awards, we’re doing more than honoring them. We’re thanking them. Each confronted obstacles and disproved naysayers. Lynn Povich and her Newsweek…