How the American media failed — and is still failing — in its coverage of Israel and Gaza
If you want to know the truth about what's happening in the Middle East, you won't find it on PBS or NPR
If you want to know the truth about what's happening in the Middle East, you won't find it on PBS or NPR
A debate about starvation in Gaza exposes a gulf in perceptions
A reflection at the close of two decades on the D.C. Jewish news beat
After Tony Dokoupil’s questions on CBS Mornings faced criticism, the network said it fell short of editorial standards
Since Oct. 7, this protective gear passed through many hands. Our reporters loved to hate it
“With the heaviest of hearts, I need to break my connection,” wrote one longtime columnist
Jewish Currents alleged that the event had been axed due to the magazine’s pro-Palestinian leanings. The original host denied that allegation.
The Forward was one of several news outlets attacked as part of illegal propaganda war, Department of Justice charges
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