The surprisingly erotic (and poetic) nature of the Hebrew alphabet
In the transcendent work of 'genius' poet Peter Cole, sometimes male and female letters just want to hook up
In the transcendent work of 'genius' poet Peter Cole, sometimes male and female letters just want to hook up
The Poetry of Kabbalah: Mystical Verse From the Jewish Tradition Translated and annotated by Peter Cole Co-edited and with an afterword by Aminadav Dykman Yale University Press, 544 pages, $30 ‘There among the trees of God / … I’d enter the sacred shrine of the woods / … And as I sat at the edge…
The San Francisco Bay Guardian profiles Rabbi Michael Lerner on the 25th anniversary of Tikkun Magaine. Watch a selection of Elizabeth Taylor’s best roles. How Jewish playwrights adapted Shakespeare for the Yiddish stage. “The Jump Artist,” the debut novel by Austin Ratner, has won the $100,000 Sami Rohr prize. Read the Forward’s review here and…
In this, the second annual Forward Fives selection, we celebrate the year’s cultural output with a series of deliberately eclectic choices in film, music, theater, exhibitions and books. Here we present five of the most important Jewish poetry books of 2010. Feel free to argue with and add to our selections in the comments. All…
Last night, in the historic surroundings of the Fraunces Tavern, critically acclaimed Jewish poet Peter Cole, gave a reading of contemporary meditations on an age-old struggle. Cole set the tone for the evening by introducing his first poem ‘Meaning Of’ as a “take on my own Messianic inclinations — not to mention those of my…
אַלען זינגער איז אַ קינדער־דאָקטער וואָס האָט דורכגעפֿירט בריתן, מערסטנס פֿאַר רעפֿאָרם־ און קאָנסערוואַטיווע משפּחות
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