These Jewish Eurovision songs are terrible. Listen to them anyway
For every awful song, there's a moment when nothing else works
For every awful song, there's a moment when nothing else works
'Dara of Jasenovac' is the first feature-length narrative about the death camp - but is it trying to score political points?
Dragoljub “Draža” Mihailović collaborated with the Nazis yet, near the war's end, used his troops to rescue over 400 American airmen
The October announcement of Austrian novelist Peter Handke as the winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature was greeted, by many, with confusion. Handke, apologist for Slobodan Milosevic, the Serbian president who oversaw the Bosnian genocide? Handke, who spoke at Milosevic’s funeral and told critics of his decision to do so to “go to…
(JTA) — Serbia’s parliament will block plans for construction, including of a shopping mall, on former concentration camps, the country’s president said. President Aleksandar Vucic told Efraim Zuroff, the Eastern Europe Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, on Thursday in Belgrade that a bill that would make the plans impossible would be passed this year,…
(JTA) — Boxing Club Prishtina is a squat building on a narrow street around the corner from the parliament in the heart of Kosovo’s capital city. Around the corner, a popular Italian restaurant draws the young Western Europeans and Americans in button-down shirts and open-toed heels who help keep the country running. Walk the other way…
Israel is sending aid to help rescue efforts in Serbia and Bosnia, where record floods have submerged cities and left more than two dozen dead and thousands homeless. Local media reported that Israel sent a first shipment of emergency aid this weekend including medicine, food, blankets and rain gear, and will soon send pumps. The…
Families of Serbian Jewish victims of the Holocaust have until March 1 to file claims for property restitution. Serbia passed a law in October 2011 enabling restitution of Holocaust-era property or compensation in lieu of restitution for people whose property was confiscated by the Nazis or the Communist regime that followed. This week, the World…
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