We plan to raise our son Jewish, but I’m opposed to circumcision for medical and moral reasons
A Reform Jew wonders how to honor tradition as well as their own sense of what is right
A Reform Jew wonders how to honor tradition as well as their own sense of what is right
The question of “Who is a Jew,” which has been inflaming passions for so long, has recently heated up once again. Almost every day seems to bring news stories that hinge on what qualifies a person to claim Jewish identity. Whether it’s Julia Salazar relying on family lore to claim she is a Jew of…
One of Reform Judaism’s bravest and most important policy decisions of the past century was the movement’s decision to welcome “patrilineal” Jews as full members of the Jewish people. Rooted in the biblical definition of Jewish lineage, the American Reform movement’s 1983 policy on patrilineal descent held that Jewish identity could be claimed whether one’s…
Who “counts” as Jewish? Our community’s response to the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords highlighted the complexity of this question. In Jewish newspapers and on blogs, discussions about her Jewishness multiplied. Born to a non-Jewish mother and a Jewish father, she embraced Judaism only as an adult. Yet countless congregations recited mishebeirach prayers for her…
דער מוזיק־פֿאָרשער זיסל סלעפּאָוויטש ברענגט צוריק לידער רעקאָרדירט אין הײַנטיקן בעלאַרוס און אוקראַיִנע אין די 1930ער יאָרן.
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