Jonathan A. Greenblatt is CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League.
Jonathan A. Greenblatt is CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League.
Jews must come together, despite their differences, to confront hate, writes the head of the Anti-Defamation League
This essay was adapted from IT COULD HAPPEN HERE by Jonathan Greenblatt, published by Mariner Books. Copyright © 2022 by Jonathan Greenblatt. Reprinted courtesy of HarperCollinsPublishers. From that fateful day in July 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy as he descended a gilded escalator, he contrived grim visions of criminals and terrorists storming across…
Dear Parag, Congratulations on becoming Twitter’s new CEO. We at ADL have worked with Twitter for years and want to remind you of the explicit and repeated commitment that your company has made to keep hate off its platform. Twitter was once a cesspool of hate speech, keeping ADL analysts quite busy. Our reports on…
On Oct. 29, a video emerged of an anti-vaxxer ranting at a local school board meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, where she used a public comment period to espouse hateful conspiracies about Jews, whom she accused of controlling the pharmaceutical industry. Her accusations dripped with many of the classic conspiratorial tropes that have dogged Jews for…
In May, there’s been a terrifying surge in antisemitic hate crimes across the country. This is not just anecdotal, nor is it just a few isolated but well-publicized incidents in places like Los Angeles and New York. Rather, we have seen a torrent of incidents across the country in both small towns and major urban…
As one of the oldest civil-rights organizations in the Jewish community, we’re not unaccustomed to criticism, even in the pages of one of America’s oldest Jewish news outlets. But the OpEd by Salam Al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which the Forward published on Tuesday morning, was illuminating about how certain quarters in…
On Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, we pause to remember those who passed in the prior year. Over the span of 5780, we lost so many giants and icons – Chadwick Boseman, Kobe Bryant, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Elijah Cummings, Kirk Douglas, Katherine Johnson, Larry Kramer, Jim Lehrer, Rep. John Lewis,…
Previous Article Next Article Aside from the medical and economic uncertainties we face in these hard times, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare for the Jewish community the looming threats we face from anti-Semitism and extremism. While anti-Semitism was serious before the COVID-19 crisis – See: Pittsburgh, Poway, Monsey, Jersey City – it has become…
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