Batya Ungar-Sargon is the former Opinion Editor at the Forward.
Batya Ungar-Sargon is the former Opinion Editor at the Forward.
On September 7, 2014, a 28-year-old Ethiopian-Israeli named Avera Mengistu climbed over the fence separating Israel from Gaza and disappeared into the Gaza Strip. Though the Israeli military had been watching him through a security camera for half an hour as he marched down the beach towards the border, nobody stopped him. Ten months later,…
BIBI: THE TURBULENT LIFE AND TIMES OF BENJAMIN NETANYAHU By Anshel Pfeffer Basic Books, 432 pages, $32 Early in “Bibi: The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu,” Anshel Pfeffer’s excellent biography of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the author quotes an anecdote that Netanyahu likes to share. It’s about the time a mob…
These days, you can’t open an internet browser without coming face to face with the handsome, keffiyah-clad visage of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also known as MBS. For weeks now, he’s been on a charm offensive, courting American politicians, tech giants, businessmen and journalists. And they have been happy to receive him….
Two summers ago, a female Purdue University sophomore stopped in at her campus Hillel house for a meeting. The building was empty, save for the student, a friend, and the man they had come to see, 53-year-old Hillel director Phillip Schlossberg. When she started at Purdue the year before, the student had been eager to…
President Trump seems to be rapidly approaching a political precipice. There is no longer any doubt that Russians interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election; the only question that remains is how much the Trump campaign – and Trump himself – knew about it. If the Mueller investigation can prove that Trump knew of the…
For the past three days, American Jewish lovers of Israel have been enjoying each other’s company, en masse. Eighteen thousand of them, including 3,500 students, were funneled through the well-oiled machinery of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. Every detail of the event was diligently attended to. In the…
Earlier this month at the Munich Security Council, Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman caused a stir when he confronted Poland’s prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki. Poland has been grappling with the fallout of a controversial new law making it a crime to blame Poland for Nazi crimes, and in the question-and-answer session of a panel discussion, Bergman…
Many who know President Trump have noted what Trump’s biographer Marc Fisher called “the last guy in the room phenomenon.” “People used to literally hang out in his office for hours deep into the night if they knew that there was a position that had to be taken,” Fisher told Slate. “They wanted to be…
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