Eileen Hoenigman Meyer is a Chicago-based journalist.
Eileen Hoenigman Meyer is a Chicago-based journalist.
A Chicago Jewish mother struggled in her relationship with her child’s father, but it wasn’t until she turned for help to a local Jewish agency that the reason became clear: she was a victim of domestic abuse. “For the first time, I felt heard and understood” said M., whose identity has been obscured for her…
“Matthew died last night. I’m shocked and sorry to tell you-it’s suicide. Hannah is a wreck.” I kept rereading the text as though the words would make sense if I inspected them more closely. I grew up with Hannah (For reasons of privacy, I’m not using the family’s real names here.) She and Matthew had…
The job market is booming across the country, and Lavie Margolin is here to help you navigate it. A career expert and author, Margolin has written a dozen books about job searching, including Can I Wear my Kippah on Job Interviews which he co-wrote with his spouse Rachel. His insights could not be more timely:…
The Jewish day of mourning, Tisha B’av, will be especially solemn— and relevant— this year in Chicago. On the traditional fast day, which takes place July 17 this year, University of Chicago’s Hillel will not just mark the destruction of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem, but the loss of two young lives over the last…
At the close-knit Catholic school from which my son, Nico, just graduated, every eighth grader must study the Holocaust. The unit is both capstone and rite of passage— by eighth grade, students have the intellectual and emotional maturity to grasp this important subject matter. “It’s hard to study the Holocaust,” Nico, who is 14, told…
What do empty swimming pools have to do with racial justice and income inequality? To Heather McGhee, a lot. “In the middle of the 20th century, there were about 2,000 lavish, publicly-funded pools around the country. When the Civil Rights Movement enabled Black families to say, ‘Hey, those are our tax dollars funding those pools….
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