Neil Berro worked in Jewish communal service throughout the country for many years. He currently works mainly with entities that serve educational enrichment.
Neil Berro worked in Jewish communal service throughout the country for many years. He currently works mainly with entities that serve educational enrichment.
I lost, at least temporarily, some friends and social media outlets thanks to the recent election — but I may have gained a far broader appreciation of the greatness and opportunities for America’s future. Enough time has passed for the various realities of the election to settle in. I didn’t start watching returns until 10:30…
This is a bittersweet time. I truly love politics and have ever since my dad of blessed memory took me to stand on line with him in 1960 as he prepared to vote in the Kennedy-Nixon contest in Sheepshead Bay. Four years later, I remember my dad taking me to brief meetings of the North…
I suppose I am as deplorable as the next guy, as long as the next guy or woman is backing Donald J. Trump for president as I am proudly doing. I’ve tried to determine the roots of my deplorability and I am sure I can provide enough cannon fodder for every politically correct progressive to…
Donald Trump surrounds himself with thugs that are more crude than cunning. Hillary Rodham Clinton surrounds herself with thugs that are more cunning than crude. It is well reported (indeed over reported) that Donald Trump has some unsavory supporters — for that matter, some unsavory advisors. What else would you expect from a businessman who…
I never realized how “stupid” I was until I wrote a piece supporting Donald J. Trump for president in the Forward. As you can see, “stupid” was actually one of the most mild insults directed towards me in the comments section. We are living in an age of online vitriol. We hate each other, and…
It is hard to imagine, in today’s 24-7 news cycle made up of equal parts visual necessity plus a profound political divide that often reduces America’s two main political parties to cartoonish food fights, finding and creating common ground to shape an American foreign policy that would last for decades. Yet that is precisely what…
By every right, I should be a Democrat. And until a few months ago, I was. But I heard the trumpet call of change, and I decided to change too. Let me be clear: I am to the left of President Obama on healthcare. I believe Bernie represents the best instincts of public service, though…
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