Sara Serfaty is the former Forward College Guide Intern and a student at Hevruta, the Hartman Institute’s gap year program. She will be attending the University of Chicago in Fall 2019.
Sara Serfaty is the former Forward College Guide Intern and a student at Hevruta, the Hartman Institute’s gap year program. She will be attending the University of Chicago in Fall 2019.
From my 12 years at Jewish Day School, I remember countless assemblies and programs showcasing videos of Israeli missile alert sirens, followed by civilians running to shelters and, often, the Iron Dome’s missile interceptions. Despite the fact that we were in America, we were taught to feel personally connected to Israelis being bombarded by missiles,…
In April, Barnard College’s student body and George Washington University’s student government both voted to encourage their respective Boards of Trustees to divest from companies affiliated with Israel. They joined over thirty other campuses who have passed similar resolutions aligned with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The BDS movement was founded in 2005 and…
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