Shoshana Schwartz is a therapeutic horseback riding instructor and addictions counselor at Retorno. She is the author of four books and a regular contributor to Mishpacha magazine.
Shoshana Schwartz is a therapeutic horseback riding instructor and addictions counselor at Retorno. She is the author of four books and a regular contributor to Mishpacha magazine.
“What drives a person to stick a needle in their arm?” This was a question posed by a professor in one of my university classes. The question came after a fellow student told the story of her brother who grew up in a three-sibling, functional, middle-class family. All three children were exposed to the same…
Adina wanted to run, to fly, to get lost in the motion of the horse. I wanted to help her get there. After weeks of teaching her techniques and building her confidence, I felt she was ready. We reviewed the appropriate motions — hands, feet, voice. She nodded. I nodded back, giving her the green…
The popular media loves a good scandal in the Orthodox world — just as it does among the Amish. The secret life of America’s modern Amish captivates readers even in Australia, about as far away from the Amish as you can get. But aside from serving as mass entertainment, these two very different cultures can…
Summer is not only a time of more “light” but also more “lite.” Along with the shedding of layers there is also less structure, less supervision and less accountability. Students in particular transition from intense study to absolute freedom, with hours and hours of nothing productive to do. But instead of enjoying the freedom, all…
I often wondered how Jewish youth from nurturing families in close knit communities become substance abusers. Do we not provide our children economic stability, values and educational opportunity? Are we not role models of accomplishment and positive social involvement? Our children have every reason to feel good about themselves. And yet, more and more young…
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