Stewart Ain, an award-winning veteran journalist, covers the Jewish community. Follow him on Twitter @AinStewart or email [email protected].
Stewart Ain, an award-winning veteran journalist, covers the Jewish community. Follow him on Twitter @AinStewart or email [email protected].
The diner was boycotted in October after its non-Jewish owner put up the hostage posters and displayed several Israeli flags. A recent vandalism attack is being investigated as a hate crime.
‘Terri’s Angels’ sends Israeli troops the socks and sleeping bags they say they lack
Chosen People Ministries says it is "proclaiming the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus the Messiah to Jewish people around the world"
The solemn approach extends even to the name of the event: Last year it was the Celebrate Israel Parade. This year, it’s Israel Day on Fifth.
They lit candles on his birthday, but didn’t blow them out
Jews are buying jewelry and other items that reflect their Jewish identity and connection to Israel
A Jewish Occidental professor said there is no college campus where students — Jewish or Arab — can be insulated from upsetting talk about the Middle East
Like RIchard Dreyfuss in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind,' Archie Rand feels compelled to create
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